A leadership and service group for teens ages 14-18. Keystoners elect officers and plan and implement their own activities in six areas: service to Club and community, leadership development, education and career exploration, unity, free enterprise and social recreation.
Torch Club
Torch Club is a leadership and service group for ages 10-13. Members learn to elect officers and work together to plan and implement activities in four areas: service to Club and community, education, health and fitness, and social recreation.
Youth of the Year
Youth of the Year is our premier teen recognition program. Throughout the year teens ages 14-18 participate in various activities that make them stand out. At the end of the year they have the opportunity to be nominated as the Youth of the Year. As they progress through the Youth of the Year competitions, they have the chance to eventually become the National Youth of the Year.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Los Angeles (BGCMLA) is a nonprofit dedicated to doing whatever it takes to address inequities, provide safe spaces, and empower kids to imagine and achieve great futures. All donations are tax deductible.